i made something small to keep you company, while you twist and turn in this magical, crazy, beautiful but vicious world.

take a minute; stop; spin it; and observe.

every piece is unique and hand made

i'm turning only scrap wood. if its an old broken stool, a dried off branch of a neighbors apple tree, left overs from furniture makers, or an old piece of construction timber, i love reusing old wood.

my story

i love turning wood and mostly i love seeing people playing with my spinning tops

my first spinning top. it was at a physics class in middle school. we had an assignment to make one out of a pencil and a paper circle colored in rainbow of colors. when spun the colors would merge and disappear. it was one of those magical moments for me.

after more than a decade i made one for a girl i really liked, if i remember correctly i used some plywood from an old fruit box and a used chop stick.....

my third spinning top was for the son of my boss. at the time i was working at sea, maintaining interior of a huge boat. this 3 year old boy was super interested in my carpentry works and tools. once again i had an old chopstick laying around... it took me few minutes and some paint. the child loved the toy.

in the beginning of 2022 trying to get by and thinking what to do with my life i remembered those moments, started calling around and looking for a lathe. my girlfriend's dad had one and few days later i was turning my first peace out of some fire wood.

give my spinning top a chance,

and it will dance in front or next to you.

lead the way!

send me a sketch and i'll turn it to life

it's fun to run,

but healthy to stop and play for a minute.

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